Prof. Dr. Wenhui He (何文辉)
BS: Hunan University
PhD: CIAC, CAS (Supervisor: Prof. Lehui Lu)
Postdoc fellow: 2015-2016 in Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier, France (Prof. Chane Jean-Yves’s group); 2017-2019 Postdoc fellow in Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel (Prof. Idan Hod’s group); 2020-2022 Postdoc fellow in Bochum University, Germany (Prof. Wolfgang Schuhmann’s group)
Tel: (+86)431-85262723
E-mail: wenhuihe@ciac.ac.cn
Office: Analytical Science Building #423
Prof. He’s research interest focuses on application of in situ spectroscopy-electro-chemical techniques (e.g., in-Raman spectra, FT-IR, UV, and electrochemical mass spectra) in the fields of electrocatalysis and electrosynthesis.

Dr. Xiaoyan Ren (任晓燕)
Associate Professor
BS: Jilin University
PhD: Jilin University
Tel: (+86)431-85262697
E-mail: xyren@ciac.ac.cn
Dr. Ren’s research focus encompasses in-situ analytical studies involving fluorescence spectroscopy, Raman probe, and electron paramagnetic resonance, combined with fundamental electrochemical studies, in order to examine the underlying processes in Lithium-ion batteries (NSFC No. 21874127).

Chunhuan Jiang (姜春环)
Associate Professor
BS: Harbin Institute of Technology
MS: Harbin Institute of Technology
Tel: (+86)431-85262697
E-mail: chunhuanjiang@ciac.ac.cn
C. Jiang’s research interest focuses on application of Raman spectroscopy in the regions of surgical navigation and environmental contaminant analysis, including development of novel Raman nanoprobes and in-situ devices for automatic monitoring.

Dr. Dianshuai Huang (黄殿帅)
Assistant Professor
BS: Hefei University of Technology
PhD: Jilin University
Tel: (+86)431-85262697
E-mail: dshuang@ciac.ac.cn
Dianshuai Huang received his PhD in Jilin University (2020). In July 2020, he joined the group of Prof. Lu as a research assistant. Dr. Huang’s current research focuses on the applications of nanomaterials in biological medicine and iodine adsorption, including intracellular localization and tracking of nanomaterials, detection of Raman spectroscopy in live cell, and biological evaluation of functional nanomaterials, and his related studies have published in journals including Cancers and Cancer Cell International.

Dr. Wenbo Sun (孙文博)
Assistant Professor
BS: Qingdao University of Science and Technology
MS: Qingdao University of Science and Technology
PhD: Qingdao University
Tel: (+86)431-85262697
E-mail: wenbosun@ciac.ac.cn
Dr. Sun received his B.S. degree in applied chemistry (2013) and M.S. in analytical chemistry (2016) from Qingdao University of Science and Technology. After obtaining his Ph.D. in physics and chemistry of materials from Qingdao University in 2021, he worked as an assistant professor at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Currently, his research interests focus on biochemical analysis, DNA nanotechnology, the development of novel functional materials for bioimaging and therapy. His related studies have published in some reputable journals including Science Bulletin and Analytica Chimica Acta.

Dr. Bin Yu (于滨)
Assistant Professor
BS: Beijing University of Chemical Technology
PhD: Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry; University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS
Tel: (+86)431-85262697
E-mail: byu@ciac.ac.cn
Bin Yu received her PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (2022) under the supervision of Prof. Lehui Lu. In July 2022, she joined the group of Prof. Lu as a research assistant. Her current research interests include the design and synthesis of defect-engineered nanozymes and their applications in bioimaging, drug delivery, and disease therapy, and her related studies have published in some reputable journals including Journal of the American Chemical Society and Applied Materials Today.

Dr. Shunchao Ma (马顺超)
Assistant Professor
BS: Changchun University of Science and Technology
MS: Northeast Normal University
PhD: Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry; University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS
Tel: (+86)431-85262061
E-mail: scma@ciac.ac.cn
Dr. Ma received his PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science in 2018 and then worked in CIAC as a research assistant. In May 2023, he joined the group of Prof. Lu, and his current research interest focus on operando scrutinization towards interfacial electrochemical reactions in energy storage devices, such as Lithium-ion batteries and Metal-Oxygen batteries.

Dr. Chen Liu (刘辰)
Assistant Professor
BS: Northeast Forestry University
PhD: Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry; University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS
Tel: (+86)431-85262438
E-mail: lcliu@ciac.ac.cn
Dr. Liu received his PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science in 2023 and then worked in CIAC as a Research Associate. He majored in single-entity electrochemistry during his PHD, and his current research interest focus on online detection and analysis of life information.